I've never seen a diamond in the flesh I cut my teeth on wedding rings in the movies And I'm not proud of my address In the torn up town, no post code envy
But every song's like: Gold teeth Grey Goose Tripping in the bathroom Bloodstains Ball gowns Trashing the hotel room
We don't care, we're driving Cadillacs in our dreams
But everybody's like: Crystal Maybach Diamonds on your timepiece Jet planes Islands Tigers on a gold leash
We don't care, we aren't caught up in your love affair
And we'll never be royals (royals) It don't run in our blood That kind of lux just ain't for us, we crave a different kind of buzz Let me be your ruler (ruler) You can call me queen bee And baby I'll rule, I'll rule, I'll rule, I'll rule Let me live that fantasy
My friends and I we've cracked the code We count our dollars on the train to the party And everyone who knows us knows That we're fine with this, we didn't come from money
But every song's like: Gold teeth Grey Goose Tripping in the bathroom Bloodstains Ball gowns Trashing the hotel room
We don't care, we're driving Cadillacs in our dreams
But everybody's like: Crystal Maybach Diamonds on your timepiece Jet planes Islands Tigers on a gold leash
We don't care, we aren't caught up in your love affair
And we'll never be royals (royals) It don't run in our blood That kind of lux just ain't for us, we crave a different kind of buzz Let me be your ruler (ruler) You can call me queen bee And baby I'll rule, I'll rule, I'll rule, I'll rule Let me live that fantasy
ooh ooh oh ooh We're better than we've every dreamed And I'm in love with being queen
ooh ooh oh ooh Life is great without a care We aren't caught up in your love affair
And we'll never be royals (royals) It don't run in our blood That kind of lux just ain't for us, we crave a different kind of buzz Let me be your ruler (ruler) You can call me queen bee And baby I'll rule, I'll rule, I'll rule, I'll rule Let me live that fantasy
I've never seen a diamond in the flesh I cut my teeth on wedding rings in the movies And I'm not proud of my address In the torn up town, no post code envy
But every song's like: Gold teeth Grey Goose Tripping in the bathroom Bloodstains Ball gowns Trashing the hotel room
We don't care, we're driving Cadillacs in our dreams
But everybody's like: Crystal Maybach Diamonds on your timepiece Jet planes Islands Tigers on a gold leash
We don't care, we aren't caught up in your love affair
And we'll never be royals (royals) It don't run in our blood That kind of lux just ain't for us, we crave a different kind of buzz Let me be your ruler (ruler) You can call me queen bee And baby I'll rule, I'll rule, I'll rule, I'll rule Let me live that fantasy
My friends and I we've cracked the code We count our dollars on the train to the party And everyone who knows us knows That we're fine with this, we didn't come from money
But every song's like: Gold teeth Grey Goose Tripping in the bathroom Bloodstains Ball gowns Trashing the hotel room
We don't care, we're driving Cadillacs in our dreams
But everybody's like: Crystal Maybach Diamonds on your timepiece Jet planes Islands Tigers on a gold leash
We don't care, we aren't caught up in your love affair
And we'll never be royals (royals) It don't run in our blood That kind of lux just ain't for us, we crave a different kind of buzz Let me be your ruler (ruler) You can call me queen bee And baby I'll rule, I'll rule, I'll rule, I'll rule Let me live that fantasy
ooh ooh oh ooh We're better than we've every dreamed And I'm in love with being queen
ooh ooh oh ooh Life is great without a care We aren't caught up in your love affair
And we'll never be royals (royals) It don't run in our blood That kind of lux just ain't for us, we crave a different kind of buzz Let me be your ruler (ruler) You can call me queen bee And baby I'll rule, I'll rule, I'll rule, I'll rule Let me live that fantasy
Hobby's : Singing, blogging, drawing, and reading.
Idol : Vocaloid
Fav colour : Blue and white
Facebook | Email : paramita.dhyani@gmail.com
Hi, it's me, Dhyani. Who already know me? Haha, it's okay. Who do not know me, get acquainted! I would be very happy if I have a lot of friends!
I started blogging in 2012, but at that time I was still a newbie so I didn't know anything. In fact, I didn't know how to change the background and the font! Hmmm, I left my blog! So poor :( Until early 2013, I have not been blogging again.
When there was my friend, Zulfa, who was blogging, I was really happy it turned out that she has a blog, finally I told her that I also have a blog. Then I started blogging again. I still didn't know how to give the widget! Finnaly, Zulfa taught me how to change the background, font, and add widgets. Her blog is very simple. When I blogwalking to the blog, I just found out that they were wearing blogskin. So I tried to figure out what blogskin is and finally I knew it. I tried to use blogskin. And it turns out, I could! And I almost mastered it. And until now, I still wear blogskins.
I am the first child. And when I was five years old, I got a little brother .. Named Damar. Now, he is 5 years old! He is quite mischievous and nosy too, anyway. Hehehe ..
Everyone has parents. Well, my mom named Lita Ariani. She has a blog too, just like me. Maybe you can find the link in my Linkies menu. And my father, Iswahyudi, have a blog too, but I forgot the link to his blog. I also have a cousin, you know. His name is Daffa. I call him "mas Daffa". Actually I have a lot of cousins, but too many so I can not mention one by one. By the way, I'm the only girl, you know! All my cousins are male. Hihi!
You know what? My idol is Taylor Swift. Maybe it's my number one bias! Also I love Cher Lloyd, Michael Buble, Miley Cyrus, and many more! O-ow, you might be thinking that I am a fangirl and you're right >.<
So, my fav song of Taylor is The Last Time and Everything has Changed. That duos is awesome! OK, and I really love her eyelashes #eh. Do you know what her real name? Her real name is Taylor Alison Swift, but she's known as Taylor Swift. Well, all of her song is very asem #whuooottt so i like her... ^o^
Speaking of music, I'm singing maniac. I had vocal lessons in KBL. Every month or three times a month, every student there invited to perform on stage. How cool is that?! Owwww... >w<
By the way, I also have a favorite song of all artist. Earlier, we've talked about the Taylor's songs, right? But here's many more. There are many favorite songs. First ... Dark Horse by Maddi Jane ... Let It Go by Idina Menzel .. With Your Love by Cher Lloyd ... Huh, a lot really. So many, I could not tell one by one to you. Sorry 'bout dat. Yeap, you're right. I really really love music.
Also, I have a BFF, you know. Their name's Zulfa, Aisyah, and Lala. They are kind, and actually I'm so happy if I meet with them. Spend time? We can spent a lot of time in school! I mean, it seems. Did I mention that on my words? o.O
In my school, I assume all my friends are my best friend. My friend very much. I do not like having best friends in school because I would have limited interaction. Ok, it's been long since I wrote. Bye! Got me on other time, OK? *goodbye kiss
Loves :
Taylor Swift.
Someone ♥
Hates :
Slow Internet Connection.
Sellfish person.
Annoying person.
Fav food: Spaghetti, Lasagna, Macaronni Schoottle, and all Italian Food thing.
Fav color: Didn't u look? This on my bio.
Fav toy: Ah, jeez. I'm not a kid anymore.
Fav drink: All thing kinda milkshake
Fav plants: Damar Tree (XDDD) and Pakis monyet ._.v
Fav artists: Taylor Swift, Cher Lloyd, Lorde
Fav game: Ameba Pico and Ameba *sensor*
Fav animal: Cat and shark
Fav football club: FC Barcelona
Fav song: Everything has changed!!!
Fav sports: Football .-.
Fav parents: Don't be kidding man! I love my parents more than you *kidding bro! ._.
This is my identity. Do not ripping my identity cause everybody haves a name.
Me, Salsa
Knowing more 'bout meh
Full Name : Anugerah Mullia Ulfa Salsabella
Nickname : Salsa or Anugerah
Born : Magelang, 6th June 2000
Age : 13th years old
Address : Jl. Anggrek Raya, AS 4 no. 51 Jatisampurna, Kranggan Permai
City : Bekasi, Jawa Barat
Country : Indonesia
Sex : Female
Height : 154 cm
Widht : 42 kg
Hobby's : Singing, blogging, twitting, and reading.
Fav Boyband : Super Junior
Fav colour : Pink, purple, blue and white~
Salsa mulai berblogging awal tahun 2012, tapi sayangnya blog Salsa yang lama udah lupa passwordnya, hehe~ Jadi tahun 2013 ini Salsa buat blog baru ini. Blog ini mulai beroperasi sejak 30 Mei 2013 lalu.
Walaupun usia Salsa terbilang masih muda untuk seseorang yang mempunyai blog, tapi Salsa akan memberikan yang terbaik buat kamu yang lagi baca sekarang xD
Salsa akan menata blog ini dengan serapih-rapihnya, biar kamu nyaman sama blog Salsa.
Blog Salsa ini sebenernya di dedikasikan buat para Ladies, ya kamu tau sendiri lah blog ini isinya pink semua. Ya kan? Jarang-jarang ada laki-laki suka warna pink. Bukan berarti Salsa ngusir kamu yang ber gender laki-laki lhoo'-')/
Salsa sekolah di SMPN 15 Bekasi, duduk di kelas VIII 2. Lagi-lagi Salsa jadi bendahara u,u susah ngurusin uang. Tapi it's okay lah :D
Salsa sukaaaaaa banget pelajaran English {} Tadinya Salsa juga suka banget sama pelajaran IPA, tapi semenjak masuk SMP, pelajaran IPA itu makin susah jadinya Salsa kurang suka. Apalagi kimia sama fisika, udah deh puyeng kepala Salsa sama dua pelajaran itu -_-
Sejak kelas 4 SD semester dua, Salsa mulai merasa kalau ada yang gak beres sama mata Salsa. Ternyata setelah di periksa, mata Salsa kena penyakit rabun jauh atau minus T^T Awal-awal, minus Salsa cuma 1.75. Tapi sekarang udah naik jadi minus 3. Salsa juga udah berjilbab dari kelas 4 SD. Itu kemauan Salsa sendiri untuk berjilbab. Rasanya tuh nyaman aja kalau berjilbab.
Salsa punya kakak laki-laki, dia juga pakai kacamata. Mungkin salsa berkacamata karena keturunan kali ya. Soalnya, kakak kandung plus kakak sepupu Salsa semuanya berkacamata, bahkan Ayah Salsa.
O iya, kakak laki-laki Salsa ini baru lulus SMA bulan Juni kemaren. Alhamdulillah dia dapet NEM UN nya tinggi, yaitu 56.65 atau rata-rata nilainya 9.4. Dia itu emang dari SD udah pinter banget, tapi yang Salsa heranin, kenapa NEM SD salsa lebih tinggi daripada NEM SD dia ._.
Dan kakak Salsa itu, di undang untuk kuliah di Universitas Indonesia. Whoaaa~ Salsa langsung seneng banget denger berita itu dari mulut dia. Begitupun orang tua Salsa. Senang sekali rasanya punya kakak yang kuliah di UI. Padahal dia itu gamers loh, selaluuu main games setiap ada waktu luang. Ya tapi namanya orang pinter mah mau di apain juga ttp aja pinter.
Fact About Me :
Aku itu takuuuuuuuuut banget sama hewan pemakan rumput, terutama sapi
Kalo disuruh milih ketemu anjing atau ketemu sapi, aku lebih milih ketemu anjing.
Makanan apapun yang mengandung coklat, aku pasti suka
Ini terbalik dengan fakta nomer satu. Aku ini seorang Ailurophile! Apa itu? Ailurophile itu sebutan bagi pecinta kucing.
Hampir semua akun jejaring sosial aku punya. Facebook? Blogger? Twitter? Instagram? Path? Blogskins? ask.fm? Yahoo? atau Tumblr? Punyaaaa semuanyaaa
Sebenernya, kalau di Islam boleh memelihara anjing, aku mauuuuuuu banget pelihara anjing Pengennya sih anjing jenis Akita Inu.. itu lohh anjing Hachiko! Kalo gak, Golden Retriever juga boleh.
Aku punya tugas rutin di hari minggu, yaitu nyetrika semua kaos keluargaku.
Udah dari tahun 2010 aku melihara kucing, sampe tahun 2013 nyaris 2014 ini, aku udah melihara lebih dari 60 kucing dan yang tersisa hanya tiga. Honey, Molen, dan Comel.
Nama kucing ku yang paling keren itu.. "Molly Margareth Brown". Keren kan? Hahahha, iya itu nama bangsawan yang dermawan pada jaman kapal Titanic. Dia selamat dalam tragedi Titanic itu.
Selain Molly, ada juga kucing aku yang kuberi nama panjang.. "Molen Monroe", kembarannya Marliyn Monroe. Ada juga yang nama panjangnya "Cappucino Caramel", dipanggilnya comel, habisnya warna bulu dia seperti karamel
Beralih ke topik lain, aku udah pernah pacaran tiga kali, yang terlama selama 10 bulan, dan yang paling cepet cuma seminggu. Dua diantaranya pacaran karena game online "Audition Ayodance" Aku gak mau nginget ngiget itu lagi sih sebenernya.
Tau Girls' Generation kan? Nah, aku udah bisa dance-nya beberapa. Aku bisa I got a boy(Full), Genie(reff-nya doang), Gee(Full), The Boys(reff), Galaxy Supernova(nyaris Full), Oh!(Full), Run Devil Run(reff), Hoot(reff), sama Love and Girls(Full).
Gak tau kenapa, aku takut sama temen sekelas aku namanya Avis ._. Kata temen temen dia tuh justru orangnya lembek, tapi dimata aku dia itu garang. Dia itu tinggi banget loh! Baru kelas 8 udah setinggi anak kelas 12! Dia juga pinter, tapi aku takut sama dia!!
Coming soon ya faktanya..
My Friends
Exchange? Tell me at CBOX.
Put me as Dhy. My URL: http://colorfulcuties123.blogspot.com/
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