My Identitiy
Watashi wa DHY dessu.

Yeah hello stalk peeps. Run around in our blog. We dare you to leave your message on our cbox and follow us. Oh ya, we are Dhy n' Salsa.

Our Banner.
you grab ours, we grab yours.

The Scream
Scream if you see strangers

Sparks fly whenever you smile :') I was made for lovin' you...

CAUTIONS: do not copy me. coz I have now an application to show what code is same to me and i have plagirsm checker on my PC. beware.

You wanna request Clipboard?
1 Dec 2013 | 4 crush

Hi! Im opening a request Clipboard, too! :D Fill the form in COMMENT, not in cbox rather ask.fm :) All this clipboard has transparency and gif in the message.
Style 1 (regular)
Including transparency and gif in the message and doodle.
Outline color:
Background color:
Rules: (max 7 )
Rules title:
Doodle URL:
Message: (ex: click me!)
 Style 2 (with background), LIKE MINE!
Including transparency, background, and doodle.
Background URL:
Outline Color:
Rule title:
Rule: (max 6 )
Doodle URL 1:
Doodle URL 2:
Your message: (ex: click me)
That's all, you can fill the forms on comment. :) Thank you! Hope y' like it!


Blogger Salwa said...

Style 2
Background URL: http://i1104.photobucket.com/albums/h332/ArisaNazifa/background-line-1.png
Outline Color: Grey (abu abu)
Rule title: The Rules
- Follow Me If You Like My Blog
- No Anonim , Please
- Use My Blog Link If You Take My Tutobies
- Don't Use Harsh Words
- Don't Open My Page Source !!!
Doodle URL 1: http://applepine.chu.jp/info/up/hahanohiusa.gif ( Doodle Untuk Tulisan "Click Me"
Doodle URL 2: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-h6Rpmtk-4P4/UP3G1ZsoXsI/AAAAAAAAGCY/c7o6wvsgyBE/s320/3.PNG ( Doodle Untuk papan Rules Nya )
Your message: Click Me

Blogger Dewi Yugi Arti said...

Style 2
Background URL: http://31.media.tumblr.com/41ef2e469cfb47a878640d40fbf6d741/tumblr_movdbcThVO1ru3nbdo9_250.png
Outline Color: Soft Pink
Rule Title: Rules On My Blog!
- Dont be anonymous in my blog!
- Dont use harsh words if you comment!
- Repost my tutobies? Take full credit by me!
- Please follow my blog if you like my blog.
- Ask me or request? Tell me on CBox or ask.fm please!
Doodle URL 1: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-s4aMCbkK0y8/UfZzasH5E4I/AAAAAAAABKU/rznQqBw_71Y/s320/Sparkly_Eyes_Cake_Party_by_A_Little_Kitty.png
Doodle URL 2: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-1-MqeKgfaw8/UfZ2Rkc42-I/AAAAAAAABMc/FW4VZbTtYQs/s320/Milkshake1.png
Your Message: Danger! Click Me Now!

Makasih yaa ^^, aku harap kamu cepat membuatkannya :D

Blogger Unknown said...

Style 2
Background URL: http://i.imgur.com/DKomg.png
Outline Color: Biru muda sekiranya kayak gini lah codenya >> #C3E5FB
Rule title: Rules For Blogger
Rules :
- Give me a full credit if you want to req tutobies or re-post a other!
- Please follow this blog, i can follback
- Dont judge, and copycat in here
- After read a post, please post a comment ^^
- Dont be a copycat! You must put your name~
Doodle URL 1: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-EFcIaj3lsHA/Tnir_9HoPtI/AAAAAAAABoI/arm3wdUCINs/s1600/a1.png

Untuk Klik Click Ikonnya :
Background : biru muda ( kayak aku sekarang )
Warna pinggir : ( sama kayak punyaku sekarang )
Your message: Warning! Click me ^^

Makasih ^^ Semoga hasilnya memuaskan ^^

Blogger Unknown said...

Style 2

Background URL: Sembarang, yang penting biru yaa..
Outline Color: biru pastel
Rule title: D' Rules
Rule: (max 6 )
- Like my blog? Be my followers, ok?
- Exchange links, tell me at CBOX
- Don't be a copycats.
- Wanna request? You can tell me at CBOX
- No anonim. I hate anonim.
* Terus di paling kanan ditulis, Thanks, Liza.
Doodle URL 1: Sembarang, blue blue deh...
Doodle URL 2: Sama kayak diatas gitu keterangannya
Your message: Click Me!


Post a Comment

Have you read my entry? (´⌣`ʃƪ) So now you have to comment! Cause, in this kingdom #eh there are a rules! #peace :P

Copyright © by Dhy and Salsa. | Color and Inspiration by mrsbaekyeol | 2014 All rights reserved.